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从接到校友,北京优西国际咨询公司尹朝安经理的实习邀请后至今,一个暑假已经溜走了一大半。 我们无法阻止时间的流逝,我们能做的只有通过不时的回顾过去,从中汲取养分。这就是我写这份总结报告的原因吧。




首先我认识到,要想成为一名好的员工,首先要对自己公司有着相当的了解,对公司业务、行业地位、过去的成功案例都要做到如数家珍。因此我认为结合公司最新整理的内部资料,研读公司网站内容成为尽快融入公司文化的捷径。 通过了解我认识到,优西国际(UCC)的定位是一家对外提供以投资贸易服务为主的国际咨询公司,通俗点说,就是帮助外国客户解决在华投资、贸易过程中面临的诸多问题。其清晰的定位把它与其它的咨询公司区别开来。但是仅仅了解自己所在企业的情况,往往容易只见树木,不见森林。因此,有必要地了解整个咨询行业。 为此,我去国家图书馆借阅了《中国管理咨询手册》等专业书籍。




实习第一天给的第一份工作是给巴西一个代表团的成员发邮件,主动介绍公司情况。 虽然每封邮件的内容都一样,但是为了显示我们的诚意,不能进行群发,而是要规规矩矩地写上对方的尊称。一天下来,虽然眼睛有点酸痛,但是想象到万里之外素未谋面的商人将阅读一封来自中国的邮件,很可能因此成为公司的客户时,心底又泛起了一丝成就感。然而现实并不像想象中的美好。邮件发出半月有余,却杳无音信。有了这次失败的经验。在尹经理的带领下,我做了一定的改进。首先,邮件的附件,除了公司简历外,我们还针对不同的客户增加了相应的实战案例,此外,根据我们与客户不同的接触方式,对邮件内容进行了修改。总而言之,就是要使我方的介绍更富有说服力,更有针对性。在与墨西哥客户进行类似联系时,我们实施了以上改进。虽然这些改进都是细节,但是细节往往决定成败。事实证明,这种改进是有效的。部分墨西哥客户对我们的服务表现出了较浓厚的兴趣。




除了语言能力的培养,UCC还注重搜集信息,分析信息能力的培养。咨询公司生产的产品是信息和知识。 首先,如何获取所需的信息本身就是一门学问。记得Google公司中国区总裁李开复先生曾提醒广大的大学生朋友,“不要忘了向Internet 博士请教”。的确,Internet 包含丰富的信息,但是如何尽快地找到自己所需的信息并不是一件容易的事情。其次,要把信息转变成有用的知识,就必须经历一个整理知识,吸收知识,重新组合表达的过程。需要指出的是,这一过程并不是一蹴而就的,为了得到一份比较适用的分析报告,往往必须不断地充实信息,不断对新的素材进行分析。我第一个此类的任务是为印度客户分析中国的中小型汽车市场提供帮助,要求提供的内容很广泛,从宏观的市场规模到具体的车型价格,从国家对排放标准的规定到汽车进出口面临的关税结构,既包括对过去和现状的分析和描述,也涵盖对未来发展趋势的预测。为了得到相关资料,我既查询了公司过去的相关文献,也通过网络获取一些免费的报告,浏览了主要汽车厂家的中英文网站,还试图去国家图书馆搜寻有关图书资料。其中有些尝试并没有达到很好的效果,也走了不少弯路。虽然最终的报告只有短短几页,却花费了我足足10天的时间。之后我总结经验,当再有类似的工作时,我的效率就高了很多。虽然如此,我觉得自己在搜集资料,分析问题,并将结果表达出来方面仍有待提高。




另外一种方式就是陪同尹经理外出参加各种业务活动。在短短的一个多月里,这样的活动有三四次之多。 让我感触颇多的有两次。一次是为了业务拓展的需要,参加了中国贸促会举办的中墨投资贸易洽谈会。在会上,我听取了包括墨西哥经济部长在内的政府官员和专家所做的精彩演说,对这个太平洋彼岸的南美洲国家有了一定的了解。这些知识是我们的经济学教科书上往往忽视的。在中国经济腾飞的今天,我们这一代年轻人往往关注的是美英等发达国家,以中国经济总量的膨胀而自豪。一定程度上这无可厚非。但是往往我们缺乏一颗平常心,没有意识到中国的人均GDP只有墨西哥的四分之一。他们不也是我们不可忽视一个朋友和对手吗?在会后,我与尹经理还代表UCC与在场的墨西哥企业家进行了交流,寻求相互合作的可能。这样一次高规格的商务活动增长了我的见识,让我受益匪浅。


    另一次是参加吉林省松原市政府在京举办的中介招商洽谈会。为此,我对松原市的具体情况进行了了解,并作为练笔,撰写了一份会议发言,受到了尹经理的首肯。在活动当天,我作为公司代表聆听了该市市长的精彩发言。当尹经理作为中介招商组织的代表第一个进行发言时,我为之感到自豪。 在会后,我又积极活动,认识了当地政府的不少部门负责人以及咨询界的同仁。总而言之,这些外出实践活动,不仅开阔了我的视野,使我获得一些新的认识,还增强了我的社交能力,为我提供了一个生动有趣的实习平台。




工作是艰辛的,但是在工作之余,同事之间相处融洽。公司规定,我们轮流买菜、做饭烧菜。 由于在外工作、求学多年,我已是多年没有进过厨房了。虽然很少做饭,但是过去在家时看妈妈做饭的情形往往不自主地映入脑海。 一回生,二回熟。我们同事之间互相配合,厨艺是日渐长进了。通过这些锻炼,我们的综合素质又多了一个方面呵呵. 另外,在饭后的休息时间。我们常坐在一起读报,就感兴趣的话题展开讨论。


抱着试试看得态度,我获得了在UCC实习的机会。在即将结束之时,我发现不虚此行。想到获得收获,初步了解了一个全新的行业,认识了一些真挚的朋友,了解了一种公司的文化,更清楚地认识到了自身的优点和不足。想到这些,每日赶公交的舟车劳顿都变得不重要了。 我想,即使以后没有从事国际管理咨询方面的工作,这次实习机会仍将使我受益匪浅。最后,感谢UCC,感谢尹经理给我提供这样一次宝贵的机会

第二篇:法国ESCEM, Tours’ campus实习生Boris Aubourg2008年夏天来我公司的实习报告

From the 1st of June to the 15th of August, I have worked with/for United China Consultants. This internship was for me the first experience abroad. And to sum up this experience I can say that it has been great but difficult.

That is why I will expose you what kind of work I had done, how I had liked the work, how I had performed, and what my comments, conclusions, and recommendations are.

My work


My work was very pleasant for several things. First, the system of assignment is very good in UCC because someone gives you an assignment to do with a timetable and a result. So you can and you have to manage your time in order to realize all the assignments in the right way with the right result. This kind of “laisser-faire” management is very useful so as to know yourself, to learn and understand your qualities but especially the defaults that you must solve to carry out the different job that you have to do.

At the beginning, my work was focused on the research of embassies in Beijing in order to propose them our services such as marketing report, expertise, investment promotion, training or outsourcing consultancy. In this way I had to find out all the information about embassies to set up a kind of data base where all the embassies were referenced and after that to send them e-mails or faxes to present our company, our business and convince why it will be a great opportunity for these embassies to work with UCC. After the sending, I had to confirm by phone that an economic attaché or counselor of the embassy agrees to see us.

If the person of the embassy was ok, I had to prepare a short PowerPoint either in English or in French in order to summarize the spirit, activity and the business of UCC. These PowerPoint presentations were the result of the long one that I had ever translated before from English to French.

After that, during the meetings, I had to expose the different points to these embassies and try to convince them to work with in answering to their questions or concerns about the global market. Then, it an embassy called us back to entrust us something, I had to prepare a report on it such the project for Djibouti embassy I had done about renewable energy and especially the desalting units productions and the solar panels. Besides the work of embassy, I had to make some reports about several opportunities such as gold, wolfberry… Plus, I had participated to several seminars between China and other countries like Russia, Armenia, Mexico… in these seminars, I had to go on match-making in order to make contacts and relationships with these foreign companies in question such as the Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Finally, I had participated to build up a seminar for the Jamaican embassy on the 15th of august so as to promote the Chinese investment in Jamaica for hotels and resorts. In this way I have tried to contact some Chinese companies and investors to go to this event.

Indeed, I was invited to take part in UCC's recruitment process for the purpose to get known how competitive the Chinese job market is and how those candidates react to questions from employers.

How to improve my skills during this internship


At the beginning, it was very difficult for me to understand that I had to manage my time and work alone with a small help. The only one way to increase and improve is to be aware and work very hard. There is no secret in this, if you work hard, one day you will succeed. It is just a question of time.

That is why, I had stroved myself to do my best as possible to realize these assignments with the best ratio of efficiency.

Moreover, Michal and Thomas helped me a lot and make me understand that the clue of the success is the work. So, you have to bypass and overcome difficulties every day to improve yourself.

Finally, I have learnt that everyone should have a positive attitude to life and work no matter what kind of difficulty I will be faced with, just perform my responsibility and fulfill with my devotion. Once I perform well as expected, I will benefit from my contribution. That is UCC's policy: actions speak louder than words

Comments, conclusion and recommendation


My comments and conclusion are very simple: do not give up even if you feel frustrated or fed up with work because this company, UCC, can offer you a lot of experience and opportunities for your future. So do not spoil this opportunity and do your best as possible to learn…

For the slogan of this company “look, listen and learn” in addition of the real one “to do more than enough”

      Brief, this experience was amazing for me even if the beginnings were difficult due to a lack of communication from me and time of adaptability to the Chinese way of life and way of work

To finish, I would like to add that during the past 2.5 month, I have learnt a lot of similarities and differences between the Chinese one and the French one. That is why it was a great experience because you learn about yourself and your conviction but also from the Chinese point of view and way of thinking


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